Parent Info

General Information
Trinity Day School has an open door policy. You may call or visit at any time during the day.
We are open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Applications must be filled out on your child’s first day, along with a one-time registration fee of $50.00 and first weeks tuition.
We ask that you please call by 8:00 a.m. if your child is going to be late or out sick for the day.
We close at 5:30 p.m. if you are late it is $5.00 for the first five minutes and $1.00 each additional minute after that.
We are no longer a nut free school, please see attached update on the policy.
We offer a sibling discount with 10% taken off of the oldest child’s tuition.
We offer a teacher/student discount with 10% taken off of the oldest child’s tuition (if you have multiple children 10% will be taken off of the oldest child and one other sibling).
Tuition is due every Monday, if payment is not received by Wednesday of that week a $5.00 late fee will be applied to each day until paid.
Tuition is to be paid each week regardless of whether or not your child is here due to vacation, illness, holidays, snow days ect.
If tuition is two weeks late a letter will be sent home asking for a full payment or payment plan. If tuition is not paid or a payment plan set up by the end of the third week your child will not be able to return until tuition is paid or a payment plan is in place.
Each child must have an immunization record on file unless there is a signed waiver from the state or pediatrician.
We offer snack twice a day in the morning and afternoon. We also offer milk with lunch.
We are open year round, except for the holidays listed.
If we need to close due to inclement weather it will be posted no later than 6:30 a.m. Closings will be posted on WCSH Channel 6, WMTW Channel 8, WGME Channel 13, Facebook, and our website.
We will provide a 30 day written notice of any policy changes.
In the event of weather or other emergency that may make it necessary to close the school, parents will be called and the child must be picked up as soon as possible.
If or when you decide to leave Trinity Day School we do ask for a two week notice written formally to the office.
We are all mandated reporters and have to report any child abuse or neglect that we suspect.
We at Trinity Day School reserve the right to dismiss a family if there is a conflict of interest.
Health and Safety
Your child will be sent home for 24 hours for the following reasons:
Fever of 101 or higher, alone or accompanied with a sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, irritability, or confusion your child will be sent home. Your child may return after they are symptom free, without the aid of medication, for 24 hours.
If treated with an antibiotic your child needs to be out for 24 hours after the first dose is given.
3 or more cases of diarrhea while at school.
If your child is vomiting they will be sent home and may return 24 hours after their last episode, without the aid of medication.
Eye discharge
Yellowish skin or eyes
Unable to console (requires one on one attention) for a long period of time
Head lice-nits and/or eggs
Contagious disease
Discharge from ears
Ear infection
Strep throat
Severe, excessive coughing
We go outside twice daily even in the winter, if your child is unable to go outside due to illness, they should be kept home.
Parents will be called immediately and asked to pick their children up within 30 minutes of the phone call.
All prescription drugs, Tylenol/Motrin, or medicated ointments need signed and dated permission slips. Medications may not be left in your child’s cubby or lunch box, they must be directly handed to a teacher. It must also be in its original container, labeled with your child’s name, and the amount that should be given.
Discipline Policy
Here at Trinity Day School discipline is something we do for the children not to them. We see discipline as a means of assisting children in establishing self-control. At the beginning of the year children get center rules and expectations….rules for safety, care of property, consideration to others. Setting limits gives children a sense of security. We will help them work out problems, redirect when the situation allows, and provide a safe place to be alone when needed.
Disruptive behavior is behavior that prevents other children from feeling safe or being able to engage in effective learning. Behavior or language that makes another child feel threatened or afraid, bullying, violence, destroying or damaging equipment, or any behavior that makes it difficult or impossible for the classroom teacher to implement a safe successful program for all children.
In the event that a child’s behavior is disruptive, harmful or negative to the extent that it is detrimental to the other children, staff, or the program the following policy will be implemented:
Teachers will bring to the Director’s attention written observation and documentation to support a concern.
Parents will be required to attend a conference to discuss the concerns and work with the staff to identify possible solutions and develop an agreed upon plan of action.
An appropriate action plan will be implemented and the classroom teacher will continue to collect observations and documentation.
A check in conference will be scheduled after 2 weeks if positive progress is not being made.
A 3rd conference will be scheduled if sufficient progress is not being made after 30 days to resolve the behavior concerns. At this time a child may be removed from the program.
The Director reserves the right to dismiss from the program any child having behaviors that interfere with the quality or success of our program.